
Lycoming County Reentry Coalition

Second Chance Hiring Summit

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9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

(Networking 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.)

June 15, 2023

Mountain Laurel room at the Thompson Professional Development Center

  • 1067 Hagan Way, Williamsport, PA 17701

Emcee - Theresa Kohler, Lead Business Consultant, PA Careerlink® - Central Region

Keynote Speaker - Dr. Kerry Richmond, Lycoming College 

Panel topics include:

  • The Justice Involved Experience
  • Benefits of Second Chance Hiring
  • Second-Chance Success

Closing Speaker - The Honorable President Judge Nancy Butts, Lycoming County

Event Sponsored by

Pennsylvania College of Technology_1

About the event

This event is designed to educate employers regarding the funding, risk-mitigation, and support systems in place for hiring justice-involved employees. By attending, business owners and HR directors have the opportunity to learn about programming, hear from individuals who have experience with the justice system, and learn from other employers who utilize the supports in place.

In addition to the interactive panel discussions, this event will feature keynote speaker, Dr. Kerry Richmond, and closing remarks by President Judge Nancy Butts, to highlight the tools and resources that are necessary to effectively recruit, hire, and retain second-chance employees in Lycoming County.

Campus Map

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Learn more about the speakers who will be presenting during the Second Chance Summit.

K. Richmond photo (1)

Dr. Kerry Richmond

Associate Professor and Chair

Department of Criminal Justice-Criminology at Lycoming College

Nancy Butts 3-143847

President Judge Nancy Butts

Lycoming County


Theresa Kohler

Lead Business Consultant

PA Careerlink® - Central Region