
The Covation Center adapts amid COVID-19 challenges

The Covation Center has, like so many others, gone through changes during this COVID time. Coworking (actually being in a shared office) has changed. We now encourage masks, and separation when possible. Coaching has changed–we now do video meetings through Zoom. Our cohort program has even changed– we have gone virtual, and that has allowed us to expand to serve businesses across the state.

While much has changed one thing remains constant–we are here to come alongside small businesses to encourage you as you find ways to grow and thrive in every situation. We remain committed to providing a workplace for those who need a professional space occasionally while working from home. We encourage you to share ideas with your other coworkers. We want to provide you with opportunities to learn and grow as you feel comfortable.

To that end, we are pleased to offer the “Engage Main Street” Virtual Cohort Program to a larger group while continuing to provide the direct, 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring that the program has provided to so many over the past few years. We believe fervently that the best results come when we combine the learning experience with coaching from experts, and then have you all support each other through engagement in the program.

If you are new to the Covation Center take a minute to learn all that we provide–we aren’t just a coworking space. If you are familiar with us then please, check back in, say hi, and let us know what we can do to support you.

I look forward to seeing you over the next month.
